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🎉 The Free to Use Kitty Meme Token is Here! 🐱💥

  • 🚫 No Buy Tax / No Sell Tax
  • 🌟 Fair Opportunity Airdrop Launch
  • 🌟 8 Year Staking Until 100% Distributed
  • 🛢️ 0 Gas Fees

👑 This Kitty is Different! $MEOW

🚀 Join the community and grab your MEOW! Be a part of something purr-fect! 😺

About Image


Step 1

Q1 2024

Website, X & Facebook Page, Telegram Group, Token Launch, Locks, & Airdrops, Wallet Listing: Konio, 1st LP Staking: $MEOW Pool 1yr.

Q2 2024

DEX Exchange Listing: KoinDX, LP Staking: $KCT Pool, Website Updates, NFT Collection - 10,000 Cats.

Step 2
Step 1

Q3 2024

Add & Lock Liquidity - KoinDX, 1st CEX Listing Announcement.

Q4 2024

1st CEX Listing, $MEOW Maine Coon NFT Airdrops, 2nd CEX Listing Announcement.

Step 2
Step 1

Q1 2025

LP Staking: 1yr $MEOW Pool End, LP Staking: $MEOW Pool 7yrs, 2nd CEX Listing, Develop Future Listing Roadmap


🎉 The Free to Use Kitty Meme Token is Here! 🐱💥

  • Total Supply : 96,100,000,000
  • Koinos Network Airdrops : 2,750,000,000 ~3%
  • 1st LP Staking : 7,300,000,000 ~8%
  • 1st CEX Exchange & DEX Liquidity : 26,000,000,000 Locked ~27%
  • 2nd CEX Exchange : 30,000,000,000 Locked ~31%
  • Staking Rewards : 26,100,000,000 Locked ~27%
  • Project Dev Tokens : 3,950,000,000 Locked ~4%
nft Image

Maine Koon NFTs 0/10,000

Introducing Maine Koon NFTs, a collection of 10,000 unique and purr-fect digital assets celebrating the majestic Maine Coon cat breed! Each NFT in this collection captures the essence of these magnificent felines with a delightful array of traits that showcase their charm and grace.